Joshua Bane

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Watch the Wiregrass

I’ve been pondering on ways to help businesses and organizations get their message out during our social distancing efforts. Businesses and organizations meaning…

  • Storefronts

  • Restaurants

  • Home-based businesses

  • YouTubers

  • Bloggers

  • Creatives

Supporting local goes beyond just a certain genre of businesses or even physical locations/products. This coronavirus crisis is causing people to think of alternative ways to get their message and product to their customers. Restaurants are doing curbside services, DJs are streaming sessions online, and churches are also streaming their services online. There are some great ideas and efforts being made.

I’ve found encouragement from fellow creators to keep in the fight and not give up. I want to help as well. That’s where Watch the Wiregrass come in play.

Christen had the idea this morning and coincided with some thoughts I have had recently as well. The name Watch the Wiregrass works.

Aside from our Evergreen Creative Company business, we have a few sites that help generate a little bit of income but is no way near the amount of earning we get from our main gig. Due to the circumstances, I am motivated to work harder on my YouTube channels and blogging sites.

There is a lot of potentials to earn a decent income through ads, Google Adsense, and affiliate marketing. I am definitely going to be creating more content from my sites and I encourage you to look into these options as well.

The Wiregrass is full with lots of talent and skills that deserve to thrive through this crisis even for those without a storefront like me.

Watch the Wiregrass is simple. Watch videos, read blogs, and share images. This is actually not a new concept at all, but it’s the most effective organic way to grow content. When you’re on a YouTube video, watch more videos (at least one more) from the channel’s creator you’re watching. When reading a blog post, take a quote from the post that means something to you and share it with the link to the post, to Facebook, Twitter, etc. Repost Instagram posts and Stories. All these engagements help the creators a TON!

If you would like help getting your online content going feel free to send a message. In the meantime, check out my sites and binge-watch away ;-) and join our Facebook Group.

  • Bane Tech - smartphones, Apple, Android, etc.

  • Personal - Entrepreneur life.

  • Professional - Professional photography, videography, and creative services.